SKELETAL MUSCLE IS CRITIAL FOR HEALTH. Grip strength is predictive of bone density, fractures, cognitive impairment, sleep issues, depression.... and is even better at stratifying risk of all cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, and cardiovascular mortality than blood markers! Here in the Henry lab we use the mighty zebrafish as a model for understanding muscle development, degeneration, regeneration, and disease. I (Clarissa) have never let the fact that I'm unfortunately fat stop me from getting outside and being active because muscle matters!
The Henry Lab
We aim to understand how dynamic interactions between muscle cells and their extracellular matrix mediate morphogenesis, and how disruption of cell-matrix interactions leads to disease states. Aberrant cell-matrix interactions cause or exacerbate many musculoskeletal disorders such as myopathies, tendonitis, traumatic muscle injuries, arthritis, and sarcopenia. The Henry lab primarily focuses on how signaling between muscle cells and their extracellular matrix mediates musculoskeletal development and homeostasis with the long term goal of discovering new approaches for treatment of neuromuscular diseases.